Vogel Crystal Holder v1 and v2


Le Vogel crystal is a fantastic holistic healing and meditation tool. We owe its particular form to the engineer and researcher Marcel Vogel. This crystal is also used in creation of a Phryll generator with Helena Danaan, Jen Han Eredyon, Dan Willis and his scientific team.

In therapeutic use, Marcel Vogel describes a healing process using intention, and a pulsed breathing coming to imprint the treatment information on the heart of the crystal. The crystal is then used as a healing wand on the thymus of the person to be treated. It is also possible to apply this treatment on yourself with the same process.

When not in use, the crystal is usually stored flat to prevent falling, as its points are very fragile. Being myself a user of this beautiful mineral tool, I decided to design a support to keep it vertical, in an active and lively position. It is also possible to benefit from the crystal on a daily basis, visually and within reach to be used for treatment or meditation.


The crystal support was originally designed for a medium-sized Vogel crystal of 115 mm long. You can order it by choosing the size Medium from this store. Its proportions are adjusted to the golden ratio with the size of the crystal. I used the golden ratio measuring compass Planck Tuner, which indicates to me a resonance of the charge at Planck's constant. The dimensions and proportions are perfect. A big thank you to Geometric Models and Dan Winter for these fantastic tools!

The general form

The shape of the support is based on the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, with an angle of 51,51°. This angle is also that of the lower part of the Vogel crystal, the receiving side. The negative shape at the top of the pyramid makes it possible to accommodate in fact all sizes of crystals at the Vogel size.

Crystal Protection

To ensure protection and stability of the crystal, I inserted two O-rings inside the 52° indentation in the pyramid. As I did in Phryll's generator, the O-ring also limits contact and allows the crystal to vibrate.

Below the grid of 64 Tetrahedra

A mini-disc with the flower of life and grid of 64 tetrahedra is located under the support. This antenna disk broadcasts the wave form of the flower of life combined with the fundamental holographic and fractal matrix.

Suitable for all sizes

The pyramid holder is suitable for all sizes of Vogel crystals, below 60mm to 125mm long.

If you have access to a 3D printer, you can download the STL file of the version 1 of the Vogel crystal support pyramid.

You will need to use it with two O-rings D28-3.1 and D12-2.4

This creation is distributed according to the license license Creative Commons BY – SA

Download the STL file of the version 2 of the Vogel crystal support pyramid.

You will need to use it with two O-rings D28-3.1 and D12-2.4

This creation is distributed according to the license license Creative Commons BY – SA

Would you like to buy the printed product? Find it in store. It has been designed in 2 versions:

  • version 1, use crystal alone or reality transflux modulator
  • Version 2, using Phryll generator, the support will be able to accommodate a stimulation cone for the crystal (coming soon)

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