Peace Banner Disc


Do you know the banner of Peace ? Invented by Nicholas Roerich (Russian artist), inspired by a symbol present in China, India and other civilizations. Roerich's Peace Pact was signed in 1935 at the White House by 22 American countries to protect culture.

Symbol of peace throughout humanity, it is also used during meditations to radiate values ​​of peace, love and kindness.

Roerich's Peace Pact

Signed in 1935 at the White House under the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, it is a treaty involving India, the United States and 22 American countries. Nicolás Roerich is a Russian artist, who has dedicated his life and work to highlighting the importance of culture. Deeply affected by the devastation of the First World War and the Russian Revolution, Roerich realized that the cultural heritage of all nations, whether their remains or their active creative centers such as universities, libraries, halls concerts and theaters, was a world treasure. He designed the banner of peace, modeled on the Red Cross, to protect culture.

With the collaboration of international experts, the Banner of Peace Covenant was signed and received the endorsement of figures such as Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw and HG Wells. This pact stipulates that educational, artistic and scientific institutions must be protected and respected by the warring parties, without regard to their state allegiance. These institutions have the right to raise the banner of peace, a symbol of their protection and special status. In addition, any place of cultural activity in the world can display the banner of peace to declare itself neutral, independent of conflicts and under the protection of an international treaty.

A universal symbol

Roerich explored various lands, including Russia, India, Tibet and the United States, aspiring to create a universal symbol that would bring together cultures without exclusion. In this banner, the color magenta carries a deep meaning, symbolizing the blood shared by all of humanity. THE three red circles arranged in the shape of a pyramid respectively embody the Spirituality, art and Science :

  • La Spirituality sits at the top, reflecting the diversity of beliefs and spiritual truths.
  • THEArt and Science are positioned side by side below.
  • THEring which surrounds them represents the Culture, thus unifying art, science and spirituality, embodying humanity as a whole.

Used for millennia

This symbol transcends cultural and philosophical boundaries, found in many cultures and systems of thought. It adorns the coats of arms of the popes, is discovered in Ethiopia and among the ancient Copts, on amulets dating from the Stone Age, Tibetan rings, Buddhist flags, in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and even in the oldest Indian symbols, Chintamani, which is the sign of happiness. Present in all these cultures, the banner of peace reveals itself as the ideal symbol to unite all nations in the quest for peace.

Chintamani is a Sanskrit word for a wish-granting gemstone. The design features three balls above wavy lines, a popular Hindu and Buddhist motif, commonly seen on Indian and Tibetan rugs. It is widespread and can be found throughout China, Tibet, Mongolia, and other Southeast Asian cultures.

Used worldwide

The symbol can be seen in the Seal of Tamerlane, in Tibetan, Caucasian and Scandinavian jewelry, and on Byzantine and Roman artifacts. The image of the Virgin of Strasbourg is decorated with it. This can be seen in many of Roerich's paintings, notably Madonna Oriflamma, in which the woman is depicted as the bearer and defender of the banner.

A symbol of peace towards the stars

The Banner of Peace is also used today during Galactic gatherings. Groups of people meditate in unison and address exogenous consciousnesses. The objective is to provoke a close encounter of the 5th kind (RR5). This practice was invented by the American ufologist and theorist Steven Greer and popularized in France by the Swiss ufologist speaker and writer Fabrice Bonvin. Since 1970, in ufology, contacts with extraterrestrial consciousnesses have been coded from 1 to 4 depending on the importance of the contact. The RR5 stage aims to provoke the encounter rather than endure it. Here, the role of the state of mind and consciousness is essential. The RR5 approach is a form of spiritual approach, which aims to promote a peaceful relationship with all forms of life present in the universe.

The NGO Alliances Célestes uses the banner of Peace in its actions. This NGO promotes a serious strategy for relations between terrestrial humans and members of civilizations of an exobiological nature. The objective is mutual aid of a humanitarian, philosophical, medical, energy and technological nature. During gatherings to create close encounters of the 5th kind.

The Banner of Peace disc

By designing the Banner of Peace disc, I wanted to make a portable version of this symbol available to humanity. It can be used:

  • En decoration, flat, on a wall or on a base.
  • En meditation support in a group, or alone flat.
  • En large pendant for meditation alone.

Based on the design of my energy disks, I noticed that the emission of the waveform of a pattern is more important when it is metallic and that it is based on the number of gold. Also the Banner of Peace disc is made of copper plated with gold and the diameter of the disc is a multiple of 70 times the golden number.

The front side is inverted with the back side, this creates two complementary polarities like yin and yang.

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