Burgos Cathedral Rosette Disc – passive transmitter with resonant cavities


The initial price was: €32,00.The current price is: €27,00.

Burgos Cathedral Rosette Disc with resonant cavities

It is a disc including the image of the Rose Window of the Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos in Spain.
This disc completes the disc of the Rose Window of Chartres Cathedral.
The Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos is a remarkable Gothic building, it is part of the World Heritage. Its construction began in 1221, it is the third largest cathedral in Spain, after Seville and Toledo.



A contemporary form, the cavity magnetron
This resonant cavity shape has been used since 1940 in the design of the magnetron.
The magnetron is a device that transforms the kinetic energy of electrons into electromagnetic energy, in the form of microwaves. The electrons are emitted at the center and are deflected in a spiral path in the resonant cavities.
This technology is used in radars and household microwaves.
More information https://eolix.fr/magnetron-a-cavite-labyrinthe-et-rosace/

Resonating and amplifying cavities
The parallel between the magnetron and the forms composing the rosette seems to show us that we have here a form made to amplify what will cross it. This shape is present in most cathedrals. We also find inside the domes located on the ceilings, acoustic cavities acting here also as resonators.

Passive use
You can place the disc next to you or on one of the meridian or chakra points that you want to stimulate. You can energize water or enhance wine by placing the disc under the liquid. Use it also to keep your fruit longer.

Diameter 100mm
Thickness mm 1,6
Metal: copper + gold plating
Disc material: resin

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