First measurements with the GDV Bio-well 3.0 camera


The GDV camera to measure vital energy

I recently equipped myself with the GDV Bio-well camera in its latest version 3.0. This material allows me to do what I have been trying to do for a long time: measure vital energy !
This device measures electrons at the fingertips (by Kirlian effect) and translates these images through the system of meridians from Chinese medicine.

This GCV camera allows an analysis of the human on three dimensions: the stress,Energy and balanced. It's about taking a photo with the Kirlian effect of each of the 10 fingers. Indeed, each sector of a finger is connected to the meridians which reflect the very state of the person being measured. Software will then establish a energy diagnosis, with an assessment of the various organs and systems of the body.

A first bio-photonic approach

The reliability and repeatability of this device is between 80 to 85%, which is quite honorable. Measuring the living is always tricky, because you should not be content with the first results. We must multiply the measures, take the context into account, and do so on many subjects.

In this article I do not claim to do the analysis work of a biophotonics design office, but to make a first approach to energy devices that I conceive.

This is exactly the device I needed to assess my energy discs. I share with you in this article the measures that I have taken on myself, researchers are often their first guinea pigs!

First experiment

I made 4 measurements for this first experiment. After the initial measurement, I have worn continuously solar system/Lakhovsky disc as a pendant (under my clothes), at the level of the thymus.

  1. Initial measurement at 9:55 a.m.
  2. Disc port 1h 25 bar at 11h 20
  3. Disc port 1h 06 bar at 12h 26
  4. Disc port 3h 27 bar at 15h 53

The record was worn for almost 6 hours in all.
The pendant can also be worn on your clothes as pictured.

The alignment of the chakras

There are many parameters in the scan results. I present to you the most visual: the alignment of the chakras.

The 7 energy centers of an organism in harmony must be centered and large sizes.

We see that in the first measure, they are shifted to the right. They stay mostly in the green zone (except n° 7), but they have a 81% alignment.

After nearly a hour and a half of disk wear, the alignment is already at 91%

The balance is almost perfect at the last measure after six hours at 97%.

Below you can consult before/after from bar 1 (left) to 4 (right), by doing drag the vertical bar.

On the left the initial measurement at 9 a.m., on the right at 55 p.m. after wearing the disc for 15 hours

Stress, energy and balance

The other interesting analysis is the measurement of the stress of the organism, its energy and the imbalance of the organs.

On the right we have the legend of the 4 measurements in chronological order. The 4 colors of the graphs are visible on the left.

Below we see a yellow / green / orange / red scale, which corresponds to a state of socks à excessive. The green zone in its optimal part is ideal.

  • The stress :
    We see that the stress values ​​gradually go down, which is good. We go from a high stress state of 4.33 to an average increased stress state of 3.5.
  • energy :
    Here the energy levels gradually increase from 52.07 to 56.09 while remaining in an optimal zone, which is good too.
  • Organ imbalance :
    Initially the imbalance of the organs is significant at 28% on the left, in the last measurement we are less than 3% on the right. We have returned to an optimal zone.

We see in our case here:

  • 1h30 of wearing the disk allowed return to a limit level of the optimal.
  • 1 hour more allows you to place yourself in a acceptable area.
  • 3h30 more allows you to consolidate towards a more optimal level

Area diagrams

There are many other parameters, we will see a last one which illustrates the zone parameter. This corresponds to a quantity of bio-photons emitted by each organ or body system.

This radar-like diagram allows us to have an overview for left and right side meridians from the body. The scale color code is here: red for very low (center), yellow for high.

Below we see the first measure in a bold orange line. Many organs or systems are at a low level.

We see an increase in the zone parameter for the other measurements, with levels above normal, for example for the liver.

These levels almost all go back to normal, except for the Gorge. Indeed I have noticed a small weakness there for a few days. Exposure to disk has not taken away this problem which has been present for some time.

Second experiment

Here another experience, I start from a level which is less low than for the first time. I also wear the solar system/Lakhovsky disc here as a pendant in the same way.

The duration of exposure here is 2h15 in all, there are 3 measures:

  1. Initial measurement at 9:57 a.m.
  2. 1h11 of disc port, at 11:08
  3. 1h05 of disc port, at 12:13

During this experience, the alignment of the chakras goes from 91% to 92%, it is not significant here.

Stress, energy and balance

  • Stress :
    Here too, we see a decrease in stress, the initial value being lower at 3.74, I am at an optimal level of 3.02 after 2h15 of wearing the disc.
  • Energy :
    Here we have a quick energy boost from 47.67 to 54.65, which is perfect
  • Organ imbalance :
    It is reduced from 4.82% to 3.37%. We have a value close to 3% like last time.

Energy diagrams

This is another diagram that follows here from the area diagram. We see below with a bold orange line the first measure. The values ​​are quite close to the low level, if we compare them to the following two measurements in purple and green lines.

The energy reserve parameter (bottom of the image) is at 64%.

In the 2 diagrams below, we see the last measurement in bold green. Well we see the energy levels are higher. The energy reserve is now at 73%, which is a nice increase.

First assessment

These first two tests highlight the advantages of wearing an energy disc on the thymus for 1 to 2 hours. This can be worn longer to “consolidate” the benefits. I don't recommend wearing it all the time. This allows your body to recover and take over.

It will of course be necessary to do other tests, and also on other people to consolidate these results.

Note: This pendant is for your well-being, it does not replace medical treatment.

If you want to test this pendant disc yourself, I offer it for direct sale on my shop below:

WARNING: These products are not intended to replace medical care, regardless of the possible pathology of the consumer. The delay in initiating a medical treatment can lead to a loss of chance of recovery or improvement of a serious pathology.

2 comments on “First measurements with the GDV Bio-well 3.0 camera"

  1. Excellent, I have also just become aware of this marvelous device which will allow us to justify our quantum work

  2. Bonsoir
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    Looking forward to discussing
    Good to you
    Nathalie from La Rochelle

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